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Annotation of cvs_filter/cvs_Lu.sh, Revision 1.3

1.1       hako        1: #! /bin/sh
1.3     ! hako        2: # $Id: cvs_Lu.sh,v 1.2 2020/04/30 13:58:30 hako Exp $
1.1       hako        3: #
                      4: # cvs_Lu.sh is a filter for CVS.
                      5: #
                      6: # Convert the line break of *.csv files to LF.
                      7: # Preserve the UTF-8 BOM.
                      8: # Delete the UTF-8 BOM from ASCII csv files.
                      9: #
                     10: # 20200430
                     11: #
                     12: # by Hiroshi Hakoyama
                     13: #
                     14: # Background:
1.2       hako       15: # CVS needs LF, but Excel provides CRLF for *.csv files.
                     16: # Excel needs the BOM to read UTF-8 encoding. Therefore, Excel provides the UTF-8 BOM in a UTF-8 csv file made by a command "CVS UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (.csv)".
                     17: # The BOM does not cause trouble for read.csv().
                     18: # Excel can read a csv file with LF.
1.3     ! hako       19: # Therefore, before commit UTF-8 csv files to CVS server, we should convert the line breaks to LF and preserve the UTF-8 BOM.
1.1       hako       20: #
                     21: # Solution:
                     22: # A CVS filter to change line breaks to LF for *.csv files.
                     23: #
                     24: # Usage:
                     25: # Add an alias to tcsh
                     26: # alias cvs 'cvs_Lu.sh'
                     28: if [ "$1" = "commit" ]; then
                     29: find . -type f -name '*.csv' -exec nkf -g {} + | grep "UTF-8" | sed -e 's/: UTF-8//g' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 nkf --oc=UTF-8-BOM -Lu --in-place
                     30: find . -type f -name '*.csv' -exec nkf -g {} + | grep "ASCII" | sed -e 's/: ASCII//g' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 nkf --oc=UTF-8 -Lu --in-place
                     31: find . -type f -name '*.csv' -exec nkf -g {} + | grep "Shift_JIS" | sed -e 's/: Shift_JIS//g' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 nkf --oc=Shift_JIS -Lu --in-place
                     32:  cvs "$@"
                     33: else
                     34:  cvs "$@"
                     35: fi
1.2       hako       37: exit 0